Recent changes:
2022-05-25 - Converted for Foundry


Maximum node breadth:
Link length:
Use recipe set:
Color scheme:
Display rates as:
Rate precision:
Factory precision:
Minimum assembling machine level:
Preferred crusher:
Preferred smelter:
Metallurgy tier:
Mining type:
Preferred fuel:
Preferred belt:
Minimum pipe length:
Mining productivity bonus: +%
Recipe sort order:
Format values as:
This calculator is copyright 2015-2020 Kirk McDonald. It is licensed under the Apache License 2.0, and its source may be found on github, here.

This calculator is the result of a few years' worth of fooling around, off and on, with performing calculations using Factorio's recipe graph. You may find an essay on the subject, which outlines the techniques used in this calculator, here.

Adapted to Foundry by erkle64.

Features of this calculator include:

What does clicking on an item's icon in the "Factory" tab do?

It omits the dependencies of that item's recipe from the solution. The intent behind this feature is to model the case of building a factory when you are shipping in one or more ingredients from elsewhere. For example, if you are making an advanced circuit factory and want to ship in electronic circuits, and want to see the remaining copper cable requirements on their own.

Clicking on the icon a second time will restore its dependencies.

This feature is not compatible with certain items, namely those that have no dependencies, and those that don't map one-to-one with a recipe.

How can I give the original author money?

I'm on Patreon. Thanks!

Last solution:
Recipe matrixes: